Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Importance of Relevant Content in your Email Marketing: Content is King

Getting readers interested in joining your email campaigns is the most important piece of the email marketing puzzle. A question that many email marketers ask themselves daily is, “how do I engage my readers while gaining (and retaining) subscribers?”

Studies show that as humans our number 1 interest is ourselves. Putting this piece of information into play while composing your monthly newsletter can help you grab your reader’s attention. Granted, you can’t write hundreds of personal newsletters that speak specifically to your clients day to day lives (namely because that would be creepy and take far too long) but you can use code snippets to personalize newsletters with client’s names and you should tailor your newsletters to relevant activities in your community as well as a compliment to your insurance information.

If your community’s high school just won a championship game, talk about it; or if a new restaurant opened up near your office, go there for lunch and write a (positive) review about it in your newsletter. Being a part of your community can go a long way to gaining clients through referrals. Using community news is also a great way to gain subscribers who are interested in how your agency is protecting your community’s financial future.  

Some agencies write business nationally, so incorporating content that suits everyone on your contact list, in one email, may not be feasible. Instead, put together regional newsletters and use distribution lists so the content is still relevant to your readers.  You can be a part of your client’s community by writing about topics specific to their area. Write about a festival or activity many people are interested in specific to their region. Including recipes, sports, and other regional common-interest topics can go a long way to appearing as if you’re in many places at the same time. Pre-written content can save you a ton of time when having to write several email newsletters a month. There are hundreds of professionally written articles included with your AgencyBuzz email marketing account. They are separated by line of business, and new articles are added every month.  Be careful when using your pre-written content though as sending a newsletter about winterizing your home to a client who lives in Florida may reveal that you’re unfamiliar with your client’s area.

Use these community/regional events as a spring board into a relevant insurance topic that is complimentary to your other content.  This is an insurance newsletter after all. You can use these complimentary articles as another way to show yourself as the insurance expert your readers NEED to have a relationship with in order to protect their financial future. Not only are you educated on the latest insurance news that can save them time, money, and keep them from being left high-and-dry after an insurable event but you’re also saying that you’re just like them. You eat at the same places, you shop at the same stores, and your family values the community just like they do.

Engaging, gaining, and retaining subscribers is the name of the game when it comes to email marketing. And to win the game you’ll need to remember one thing, content is king.

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